To Listen Beyond The Obvious

To Listen Beyond The Obvious

As adults when we think of memories that have influenced us we often think of the story itself – what we or others did, what was done to us or to others, or where we have been. When working with clients’ bodies and experiences, however, it soon becomes clear that our...
Being Wrong is a Learned Concept

Being Wrong is a Learned Concept

We all can be wrong sometimes, but it’s different when somebody feels that it’s not about what they did, but about who they were – that their own being was wrong. Many clients come to me to learn how to improve self-confidence. It still surprises me to hear their...
Part 1: The Choice To Be Touched by the World Around Us

Part 1: The Choice To Be Touched by the World Around Us

The Choice To Be Touched by the World Around Us Physical sensations often represent the way our body has manifested our past decisions and the choices we carry throughout our life. By learning about the physical experience, we are often able to re-choose as adults. A...