About Vered

Each of us has a unique individual history. The way our past manifests in our bodies can determine our response to the everyday situations we encounter. Through somatic bodywork, Vered partners with clients during one-on-one sessions to facilitate profound life-change and personal growth.
In 2003 Vered co-founded an international school with Claudia Glowik teaching people to become practitioners of the Grinberg Method. In 2016 she and Claudia went on to open their own school in Berlin based on an original training called Pantarei Approach. This comprehensive one and a half year program entitles graduating practitioners to give one-on-one sessions to others. This experience has allowed her to reach a much larger audience than she would have otherwise been able in her own individual practice. Her workshops are focused on teaching people to use their own body awareness to break free from habits learned in their past- habits in thinking, in relationships, intimacy, confrontations, expressions etc.
Originally from Israel, Vered currently lives in Berlin, Germany and travels internationally giving workshops and sessions to people all over the world. Fascinated by people’s ability to go through intense moments in life and still overcome difficulties, she empowers people to reach beyond their past to redefine their future.
“By facing what we experienced in our past, there is solid change in the way we perceive it. This will, in turn, transform our present and expand what is possible for us in the future.”