Sep 1, 2016
No matter what we learn, it is also the teacher we decide to learn it from, that makes the difference to the experience of learning – what we learn as well as the outcome. One pupil in a class can learn the same math, from the same book, at the same level, from...
Jul 24, 2016
Every client I have worked with through my somatic bodywork practice has learned by default about self respect and trust. The process requires that clients learn to trust that change can happen and that the power to change is in their hands. They learn to respect each...
Jun 23, 2016
Waiting is an experience we all know – waiting in line in the bank, for the bus, for our friend to get ready. While learning to wait when needed is a helpful skill, there are many moments in our life where the habit of waiting acts against us and our wishes....
Jun 2, 2016
As adults when we think of memories that have influenced us we often think of the story itself – what we or others did, what was done to us or to others, or where we have been. When working with clients’ bodies and experiences, however, it soon becomes clear that our...
May 19, 2016
In my last post I wrote about self esteem as a learned concept. Let’s look now at a self-development plan where we can let go of our own self-image. Let’s find the way to answer the question ‘how to improve self-confidence and have more joy in our life? Think about...