Dec 22, 2017
At the end of a year, we all look forward to the future; we fantasize, dream, wish and let new ideas come in. But we also look back – summarize, reflect, understand, accept, forgive and make choices. I’m astonished and touched at the clever pathways we create...
May 19, 2016
In my last post I wrote about self esteem as a learned concept. Let’s look now at a self-development plan where we can let go of our own self-image. Let’s find the way to answer the question ‘how to improve self-confidence and have more joy in our life? Think about...
May 5, 2016
Last week I published an article about self development plan that had to do with our ability to connect to our feet and body. By doing this, we open the possibility to connect to much more. Here is a simple practical application to practice it. Relate to your feet as...