Who Best Evaluates the Personal Development Professional?

Who Best Evaluates the Personal Development Professional?

“That was your last chance” I told her after her third exam supervision with me. She had come with a client of hers for a bodywork session, evaluated by me as her teacher. “You lost your own confidence when your client felt doubtful” I told her, “you backed off rather...
Teaching is more than just the lessons

Teaching is more than just the lessons

No matter what we learn, it is also the teacher we decide to learn it from, that makes the difference to the experience of learning – what we learn as well as the outcome. One pupil in a class can learn the same math, from the same book, at the same level, from...
What Others Might Think

What Others Might Think

Worrying about what others might think of us is something we all go through. Often it starts at home, when our parents teach us to behave and dress in a certain way. Then of course there’s the mainstream media, advertising and our peer group. All these things get...