Sep 8, 2016
“That was your last chance” I told her after her third exam supervision with me. She had come with a client of hers for a bodywork session, evaluated by me as her teacher. “You lost your own confidence when your client felt doubtful” I told her, “you backed off rather...
Apr 28, 2016
Connecting with our body provides us with many discoveries. We often try and connect with others, with ideas, with the internet, and forget that we first of all have to be connected with ourselves. My feet started to get painful and this prompted me to think to myself...
Apr 8, 2016
This is the second part of the post published last week where we can learn more about listening to our own body. Listen to your body. Don’t do anything with it; just hear its language. You might only pick up one message; you might pick up more. Let it speak to you....
Mar 24, 2016
There are many reasons for clients to come to sessions. Often their original reason is only their initial motivation, and usually it’s only that they are aware of at the time. I’m astonished over and over again to see how discomfort can become a message, which if we...