May 19, 2016
In my last post I wrote about self esteem as a learned concept. Let’s look now at a self-development plan where we can let go of our own self-image. Let’s find the way to answer the question ‘how to improve self-confidence and have more joy in our life? Think about...
Apr 14, 2016
Worrying about what others might think of us is something we all go through. Often it starts at home, when our parents teach us to behave and dress in a certain way. Then of course there’s the mainstream media, advertising and our peer group. All these things get...
Mar 10, 2016
The Choice To Be Touched by the World Around Us Physical sensations often represent the way our body has manifested our past decisions and the choices we carry throughout our life. By learning about the physical experience, we are often able to re-choose as adults. A...