Why Wait

Why Wait

Waiting is an experience we all know – waiting in line in the bank, for the bus, for our friend to get ready. While learning to wait when needed is a helpful skill, there are many moments in our life where the habit of waiting acts against us and our wishes....
Our senses remember

Our senses remember

I wrote in my last post about the way our body and senses remember. This post is a suggested exercise that can help us explore the way our senses remember. Sometimes when we deal with a memory from our past, we are busy with the story itself and try to change our...
Attentive Feet- Practical Application

Attentive Feet- Practical Application

Last week I published an article about self development plan that had to do with our ability to connect to our feet and body. By doing this, we open the possibility to connect to much more. Here is a simple practical application to practice it. Relate to your feet as...
Part 1: My Neck Remembers

Part 1: My Neck Remembers

There are many reasons for clients to come to sessions. Often their original reason is only their initial motivation, and usually it’s only that they are aware of at the time. I’m astonished over and over again to see how discomfort can become a message, which if we...
Part 1: The Hands that Lead The Way To Change

Part 1: The Hands that Lead The Way To Change

What people wish to change in their current lives often has deep roots in the past. Most of us have experiences in childhood that were too overwhelming at the time to fully feel. We protected ourselves from the emotional trauma and did whatever we could to push the...