Courage or Fear

Courage or Fear

He was a handsome 28 year old guy who’d heard that he could learn how to improve self confidence with me. I explained to him the concept of my work and checked that he was ok with a bodywork session. “I’m afraid that I’ll be rejected”, he said. The sentence came out...
Who Best Evaluates the Personal Development Professional?

Who Best Evaluates the Personal Development Professional?

“That was your last chance” I told her after her third exam supervision with me. She had come with a client of hers for a bodywork session, evaluated by me as her teacher. “You lost your own confidence when your client felt doubtful” I told her, “you backed off rather...
To Listen Beyond The Obvious

To Listen Beyond The Obvious

As adults when we think of memories that have influenced us we often think of the story itself – what we or others did, what was done to us or to others, or where we have been. When working with clients’ bodies and experiences, however, it soon becomes clear that our...
Attentive Feet- Practical Application

Attentive Feet- Practical Application

Last week I published an article about self development plan that had to do with our ability to connect to our feet and body. By doing this, we open the possibility to connect to much more. Here is a simple practical application to practice it. Relate to your feet as...
What do our feet have to do with it?

What do our feet have to do with it?

Connecting with our body provides us with many discoveries. We often try and connect with others, with ideas, with the internet, and forget that we first of all have to be connected with ourselves. My feet started to get painful and this prompted me to think to myself...